
Hotstreak Loves Static

In my first Static Shock post I discussed why the Hotstreak/Richie pairing irked me. This couple, though, makes up a very small percentage of Static slash. The overall majority of all slash is Virgil/Richie, also known as VR. I remember when I got into the fandom I was shocked by the fact people paired these two up. Yeah, it makes sense now, but back then I really only saw these two as best friends. Watching the series I just didn't find anything slashy about their relationship. Besides, why were people slashing those two when they could slash Hotstreak/Static?

When I'm asked why I like this pairing I always respond with the question, "Did you see the episode No Mans an Island". This is an episode from the final season where the two guys have been chained together at the wrist. There are quite a few touchy-feely moments and there’s this really sweet scene where Hotstreak opens up to Static (this really needed to be expanded upon). It's also made very obvious that Hotstreak respects Static. Now, there are some slashers who can take two characters who have never come into contact with each other and throw them together. Hey, that's their prerogative. But for me as well as many other slash fans, we like having something that can validate the relationship. A carrot, if you will, that dangles and tempts us. The majority of Static slashers found many situations questionable between Richie and Virgil. There are, and I'll give them that. But Hotstreak/Static is just way more sexy.

Now that you know why I slash these two, I'm going to share the crazy storyline I came up for them. If you're a Static Shock slash fan you've undoubtedly read a bunch of fanfics where Virgil isn't gay but Richie-sexual. Or, there are those that explore Virgil discovering his sexuality. I don't go with either of these scenarios. In my opinion, Virgil is straight. But, wait! How is it possible for me to put him in a sexual relationship with Hotstreak if he's not gay, bi, or just crazy about the flame-head? Because the relationship doesn't go past the sex part. Anal orgasms are one of the best a man can have. Static has his first anal orgasm with Hotstreak and becomes addicted. Hotstreak makes himself available to Static and he willing accepts. Many, many, times.

Hotsteark, on the other hand, wants to start a relationship based on more than just sex. In one of the scrolling comics I drew I had Hotstreak try to take off Static's mask, which Static objects to. Because this option is closed to him he tries to unmask him by pressuring Static to tell him personnel information (favorite color, favorite food, little stuff like that) so he can slowly piece together an image of who he is. Static goes along with this at first, but stops when he starts feeling as if Hotstreak is moving their relationship into territory it shouldn't go. Hotstreak, in turn, puts a stop to everything and makes himself very scarce in Dakota. And then I turn Virgil into a total jerk who takes advantage of his best friend's crush on him. So, see, I like using Richie too, just as long as he's topping. But yeah, no happy endings for anyone here. I tend to draw this out of order. Like the last part with Richie I drew is actually near the end. I left out the whole middle part and I haven't even finished drawing the beginning yet (just have it scripted). I'm just glad that so far each section has been able to stand on its own.

Hotstreak/Static is soooo my OTP. It's that one couple I always come back too. It may have something to do with them being my first slash couple. Aw, nostalgia. Anyway, just cause I love pimpin' these two here is one of the only Hotstreak/Static fanfics in existence. Go, read, and may you be blessed with plot bunnies.


Anonymous said...

I'm a sucker for HotstreakXStatic. The sad part is, NO ONE likes it. NO ONE. It's like, the black horse pairing of Static Shock. In fact, including your fanfic, there are 3 Hotstreak/Static fanfics out there, that I've found. And I will say that yours highly outranks the other two:

This is a short, sort of fluff, sort of not, drabble. Not really worth your time.
This particular work has a consensual sex scene in it, but ends up with Hotstreak in jail and Virgil and Richie together. I will not comment.

*sigh* It's very sad. I quite enjoy Virgil and Francis together. Ah well.

Anonymous said...

i love yours i always have i noticed the scarce comments and i try eventhough im not a part of the fanfic i wont even read hotgear i just read hot streak/virgil or if i can find a richie top one and there is one "shocking new world" it has ebon obssession and eventually richie/virgil. keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

I love V/H so you are not alone. Is your comic posted anywhere else besides here? The links won't load.