
April 2009 BL Manga Releases

Title: Chocolate Surprise
Creator: Lily Hoshino
Publisher: Deux Press
Pages: 192
Price: 12.95

Title: Idol Pleasures
Creator: Fuhri Misasagi
Publisher: Deux Press
Pages: 192
Price: 12.95

Title: Junjou Romantica Vol. 9
Creator: Shungiku Nakamura
Publisher: Blu
Pages: 192
Price: 12.99

Title: Love Machine
Creator: Amayo Tsuge
Publisher: Deux Press
Pages: 192
Price: 12.95

Title: Totally Captivated vol. 6
Creator: Hajin Yoo
Publisher: Netcomics
Pages: 200
Price: 9.99

Title: U Don't Know Me
Creator: Rakun
Publisher: Netcomics
Pages: 200
Price: 9.99

Title: You Will Drown in Love
Creator: Hinako Takanaga
Publisher: Blu
Pages: 208
Price: 12.99

Title: ZE vol. 2
Creator: Naduki Koujima
Publisher: 801 Media
Pages: 200
Price: 15.95

Oh, April, how I've waited for you. Lots of good releases this month: Junjou Romantica, Totally Captivated (it's the end ;_;), U Don't Know Me, You Will Drown in Love, and Chocolate Surprise are all on my buy list. Especially U Don't Know Me. I have a feeling Junjou will disappoint and this might be the last volume I buy unless it can step up its game (and seeing as how there's no huge arcs coming up with my two favorite couples gives me an even better reason to stop purchasing this series). You Will Drown in Love will probably be just as bad as I'm expecting it to be, but I loved Rei from the previous volume so at least I get to see him again (although I'd prefer him to be a seme, and with Haru). I hope you guys are as pleased with April releases as I am.

Oh, and Libre posted the covers for their April releases today. Meh. Nothing to my liking. But wait! Next month Suzuki Tsuta will have a new manga released. Hmmm, if I'm reading my Kanji correctly, it seems it might be Konoyo Ibun. I haven't read any of the previous volumes yet. Maybe I should give it a chance?

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