
Gravitation's Yuki Eiri Needs a Sexy Voice

I recently purchased Gravitation and have slowly been making my way through the DVD's. I've been trying to watch the English dub, but I can't ever make it through a whole episode before switching back to Japanese. If you've watched the dub of Gravi you know how bad the acting is. The only character I find slightly tolerable is Shuichi and that's only a quarter of the time. The biggest disappointment is Yuki Eiri. The English dub Yuki delivers his lines flatly and with no emotion, which is a stark contrast from the great performance Inoue Kazuhiko gave.

I want a Yuki with a deep gravely voice! What's that, yaoi fairy, there is such an English Yuki in existence and I can find it on YouTube?

Aside from being totally hysterical (funny sound effects ftw) you have to admit this Yuki is 100 times better than the Right Stuf dub. And maybe it's just me, but dude sounds like Steve Blum in my opinion. And Blum's voice is ooey-gooey sex on a stick (a very sexy stick). And Yuki needs to sound sexy! So, kudos to you, Cheapss Production's, whoever you are, for making my dream of a hot sounding Yuki come true.

Also, check out Right Stuf if you're looking for the DVD's for cheap. They only have volumes 1-3 in stock, but you won't be able to find them anywhere else for the great price of 6 dollars each.

EDIT: Oh-ho-ho, found more.

This is the second half of the first episode. So, yes, elevator scene again. But you know you love that scene. And I think I kinda miss the whiny Shuichi from the other one, lol. But, oh, more sexy Yuki? Yes please!

Here's the Youtube profile page for Laliophobia Studios. Check it out!

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