
Crossover Fun

My sisters have been obsessed with these animation crossovers over at youtube. These are music videos where the creator will take a character from one animated movie and pair them up with a character from another. For example: Tiana / Dean, Cinderella / Beast, Gaston / Wendy. I have to admit, they are kind of addictive. I like coming up with the craziest paring I can think of and searching to see if someone has dedicated a video to it. Thus far, the oddest pairing I've seen was Hercules with Maid Mirian. Yes, that's Disney's Maid Mirian, who is a fox. So, yeah...

With all these crossover hijinks there is surprisingly (well, for me) very little slash. I would love to see someone hook up Dean (Iron Giant) with Demetri (Anastasia). It makes about as much sense as Hercules / Maid Mirian, but it must be done. Because I said so.

Out of the few slash videos I could find, this one is my favorite:

Go search and see all the crazy mashups you can find. And maybe, if you have the ability to do so, make one of your own. And if you are an awesome person you'll do Dean / Demitri. Because I said so.

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